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Shanna Oyer
6th Grade Science
6th Grade Teachers
309-925-3823 ext. 3023
Ashley Page
Special Education
Special Education
309-925-3823 ext. 460
Cliff Quine
8th Grade Algebra
7th and 8th Grade Teachers
(309) 925-3823 ext 3035
Haley Ratermann
School Nurse
309-925-2051 EXT 2013
Heather Rice
Curriculum Coordinator
Tonya Schlickman
District Social Worker
309-925-3823 EXT 3012
Teri Siedleck
Speech Therapist
309-925-3823 ext. 474
Kayla Smith
5th Grade Teacher
5th Grade Teachers
Jacob Turner
8th Grade Science
7th and 8th Grade Teachers
309-925-3823 EXT 3031
Laura Watts
Technology Integration Specialist
309-925-3823 ext. 1014
Justin Wahls
Administration and Office Staff
309-925-3823 ext. 3010
Jennifer Wheat
Special Education
Special Education
(309) 925-3823 ext 3030
Steve Verdun
7th Grade Language Arts
7th and 8th Grade Teachers
309-925-3823 ext. 3022
Alisha Wahls
8th Grade Language Arts
7th and 8th Grade Teachers
309-925-3823 Ext 3016
Katy Warren
7th Grade Social Studies
7th and 8th Grade Teachers
309-925-3823 EXT 3032
Michele Williams
Special Education
Special Education
(309) 925-3823 ext 3020