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Lisa Scott
Michelle Williams
Committee Members:
Brian & Angela Conn
Jodi Dawson
Wes & Nicole Edwards
Mitch Scott
Michele Smith
Jake & Jen Strohl
District Athletic Director:
Troy Schmidt
Interested in representing your athlete's team as a representative to the Booster Club? Ask your Coach for information on how to become a Team Liaison!
Meetings are held in the months of August, October, December, February, April & June. Contact a Booster Club Committee member or visit our Facebook page for information on date and time of the next meeting.

The Tremont Turks Athletic Booster Club was formed in 2018 to find ways to support the athletes involved in Tremont Middle School and Tremont High School sports. Our activities include:
Full Color Printed "Sports Guide" available at all High School fall and winter sports admissions tables.
-Contact any Booster Club volunteer for information on advertising sponsorships for the book
-Includes team photos, rosters, Senior recognition and more
Individual Athlete Recognition Signs on Route 9 During Each Sports Season
-Booster Club volunteers make these signs by hand for every High School athlete, and change them out each season (Fall, Winter, Spring). Graduating Seniors have the option to purchase their signs in the spring.
Athlete Recognition through the hosting of three "Meet the Players" Nights for each sports season
-Introduction of High School team members for the community. Usually includes a meal fundraiser option.
Hosting of all Middle School and High School Concessions Stand Operations
-Booster Club maintains inventory and equipment, parent volunteers needed to staff concessions shifts
Hosting of an All Sports College Signing Day for Senior Athletes
-Held in the Spring for all Senior Athletes moving on to play college sports
Management of the Tremont Turks Athletic Booster Club Facebook page to promote team and athlete recognition opportunities and share special event and meeting date information
A financial commitment to District 702 to provide $5,000 per year for Middle School and High School sports uniform replacement on the District's schedule
A "Team Grant" process where coaches can apply for funding for their team needs each spring
A "Team Stipend" grant where each High School team receives a portion of a $5,000 funding commitment, divided equally between the 15 High School teams, based on the size of the team
*All proceeds from Booster Club fundraising efforts go directly to support the Tremont Athletic Programs